Is water with turbidity greater than 10 NTU and MO greater than 15 suitable for the ultrafiltration process?
Ultrafiltration can be adapted to the treatment of this water; however, the maximum turbidity must be validated (average and peak values / the limits are around 100 and 300 mg/l respectively). For OM, depending on the type of resource and the nature of the OM, we can decide on the feasibility of UF based on our experience with the type of water (tertiary treatment of waste water, for example: 30 mg /l of MO OK) or carry out laboratory tests.
Please contact us with the other project parameters (nature of the resource, processing objective, throughput, etc.) for a more detailed response.
Isabelle Duchemin
What parameters should be taken into account when choosing ultra filtration membranes?
To choose the ultrafiltration membranes (material, filtration mode, etc.) and the system to be implemented (process with/without regeneration, mode and type of cleaning, etc.), you should send us the information on the application. , flow rates and quality of the effluent to be treated (turbidity or suspended solids, temperature of the fluid to be treated, organic matter content, etc.). We can provide you with a list of the parameters to provide and advise you on the choice of membranes.
Isabelle Duchemin contact@polymem.fr
I am looking for online training on the treatment of unconventional water, specifically desalination and demineralization. Do you have any tips or recommendations?
I recommend the IOWater training courses!
Isabelle Duchemin / Polymem
How long are the membranes used for ultrafiltration active? How often should they be changed?
Hello, The lifespan of the membranes will indeed depend not only on the quality of the effluent to be treated but also on the sizing carried out on the installation and the process parameters (workflow, frequency and nature of cleaning with or without additions of chemicals...). On average and depending on these parameters, the lifetime of Polymem membranes will be 5 to 15 years... with a special mention for our Neophil hollow fiber membranes which offer permanent hydrophilicity and retention efficiency over these lifetimes. www.polymem.fr