Screener - GASPARIN®
Born to be a compact machine in the GI SCREEN product line, the main features are: easy transport and the possibility of operating also in a small yard. Versatile, heavy-duty, inclined, 2-stage mobile sieve. Suitable for storage, 3-way splitting or scalping upstream/downstream of grinding units. The Screenbox accepts a wide variety of screening media, making it a versatile machine for a wide variety of applications; including: topsoil, recycling, C&D waste, sand, gravel and aggregate. The GI3500R has been designed to accept a material feed size of up to 500mm and a capacity of up to 300 TPH, depending on the application. Machine Features: Low profile feed hopper with rear door for direct feeding by GI CRUSHER; new screen box measuring 2.75m x 1.2m; impressive conveyor discharge heights and low fuel consumption.