On a construction sorting center, what kind of screen would you recommend to obtain a clean 6/10 with wet products?
Hello. For screening, several technologies exist: either vibrating screens but which can clog these cuts if the material has too much humidity. Either a so-called trampoline sieve technology called Liwell ( https://www.siebtechnik-tema.fr/crible-liwell/ ) which allows for higher accelerations and therefore no clogging. We have in our range these two versions, to see which one is best suited for your project. You can write to me on sales@siebtechnik-tema.fr for more exchanges.
Benjamin Rohart (Managing Director Siebtechnik Tema)
Hello and thank you for your response. I'm sorry, I also forgot to specify that I will be on a mobile installation. Currently I am doing concrete and limestone crushing in the countryside. Then I re-screen the 0/20 limestone or the concrete steril with a kleeman MS13 equipped with 10mm square grids above and 6mm diamond below. Anti-clogging garland. For me it is limited. As I have a lot of places to go, I need mobile machines. Thank you
It is difficult to give you a point-blank answer, because the answer is conditioned by the capacity, the input particle size, the nature of the input products and whether they contain clays or earths.
Nevertheless, we are currently working on several relatively similar subjects today and the process is as follows: Scalping, washing using an aggregate washer or log washer (depending on the possible pollution) then screening under water.
There are also dry variants but this depends on the possible pollution by clay or earth.
At your disposal to talk about it in person at 0775218886, or by email: sylvain.gonon@mail.weir
Attached is a pdf of a deal currently in progress with our partner Garonne Concassage, which is integrating our equipment.
The attached installation is fixed but it can be considered mobile by our integrator.
Hello, on a construction sorting center, what kind of screen would you recommend to obtain a clean 6/10 with wet products? Thank you